Past Performance Schedule
Rehearsal Schedule
About the Players
About the Alumni Players
"Jazz & Beyond: Carson City
Music Festival" (2016 to 2024)
Audio Samples
The Millennium Bugs
Press Releases
Membership form
Funding Priorities
How to contact us
The Mile High Jazz Band Association formed in 2001 as a nonprofit corporation
to support the MHJB and its subgroup, the Millennium Bugs (jazz combo), promote
live jazz performance in northern Nevada, educate the public about jazz, and
enrich the cultural life of the community.
Member benefits include mailings, discounts on admissions, and
invitations to special events, plus the satisfaction of helping big-band jazz to thrive!
To book the Mile High Jazz Band (big band)
or Millennium Bugs (jazz combo),
call 775-883-4154.
Past Performances
MHJB has been performing since 2000 or so. Here is where you can find information
on past performances.
- Click here for some 2006 performances.
- Click here for 2007 performances.
- Click here for 2008 performances.
- Click here for 2009 performances.
- Click here for 2010 performances.
- Click here for 2011 performances.
- Click here for 2012 performances.
- Click here for 2013 performances.
- Click here for 2014 performances.
- Click here for 2015 performances.
- Click here for 2016 performances.
- Click here for 2017 performances.
- Click here for 2018 performances.
- Click here for 2019 performances.
- Click here for 2020 performances.
- Click here for 2021 performances.
- Click here for 2022 performances.
Past performances
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Big Band Jazz at Gina's"
with Vocalist Jakki Ford
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in the Carson Nugget
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Mile High Jazz Band will present "Big Band Jazz at Gina's," on Tuesday, January 24, 2023,
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside the
Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations welcome.
The 17-member band will play favorite big-band jazz tunes from its extensive repertoire
and feature the vocal stylings of Jakki Ford. Pianist and band leader David Bugli said,
"This is the band's first performance at Carson's newest hotspot, with an impressive bar,
beverages, and food, and we look forward to performing there monthly. We might even leave
a little room on the dance floor for dancing.”
Besides some great instrumental pieces with soloists from within the band, the band will
feature Jakki Ford on several songs. She is an outstanding vocalist, professional dancer,
and actor, who has appeared in several films, television shows, commercials, theater,
operas, cabaret, and Las Vegas and Reno showroom spectaculars, and has recorded three
albums. She will sing "Out of Nowhere," "Just Friends," "I've got You Under My Skin,"
and other great songs.
After January 24, Mile High Jazz Band's next performance at Gina's will be on Valentine's
Day, Tuesday, February 14.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
For information about the band and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life Music &
Lounge on January 24.
Jazz & Beyond Festival Planned for Aug. 11-21, 2023
Posted: Jan. 28, 2023
The Jazz & Beyond Planning Committee met recently and are working on plans for the
twentieth Jazz & Beyond festival. While many details remain to be decided, the committee
has outlined plans for the festival to begin on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, and end on the
119th birthday of William "Count" Basie, Monday, Aug. 21, 2023. The committee is looking
forward to bringing back several of the exciting acts from past years. Details about the
festival will be posted on the festival's website at jazzcarsoncity.com
Mile High Jazz Band Presents a "Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts"
On Valentine's Day at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Treat your Valentine to a Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts, an evening of sweet and hot
big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band with singer Jakki Ford on Valentine's Day,
February 14, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge,
507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations welcome.
Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts features the 17-member band playing jazzy versions of
favorite love songs for Valentine's Day, and other swinging, big-band selections.
Jakki Ford will sing "I Caught a Touch of Your Love," "Somebody Loves Me,"
"My Funny Valentine," and more.
After February 14, Mile High Jazz Band will perform with three youth jazz bands at
the Jazz Extravaganza on February 21 at the Carson City Community Center. The event is a
fundraiser in support of youth music programs. For information and tickets, see milehighjazz.com.
The band's next performance at Gina's will be on Tuesday, March 14.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part
by a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and
by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and
activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Attached photo: Mile High Jazz Band on Jan. 24, 2023, on their
first appearance at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge.
Jazz Extravaganza XIX, Featuring Four Big Bands
Presented at Carson City Community Center
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Join us for the the 2023 Jazz Extravaganza, now in its nineteenth year.
It will be Tuesday, February 21, 2023,
at 7:00 p.m. at the Carson City Community Center. The Mile High Jazz Band, Carson High School
Jazz Band, Carson Middle School Jazz Band, and Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra will be performing
on this concert. Each of the groups will present a twenty or so minute set, plus
an intergenerational combo will perform before intermission.
As with earlier Jazz Extravaganzas sponsored by the Mile High Jazz Band Association, this
event is a fundraiser for youth music programs. Tickets maybe purchased online
or may be purchased at the door on the day
of the concert.
The cost is $12 per adult. Youth 18 and under are admitted free, no ticket needed.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
For further information, call 775-883-4154.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs "Pi(e) in the Sky"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
In honor of "Pi Day" (3.14), the Mile High Jazz Band will be joined by singer Jakki Ford and seven award-winning poets
and readers for "Pi(e) in the Sky," an evening of big-band jazz and poetry, on Tuesday,
March 14, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson
Street inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations are welcome.
"Pi(e) in the Sky" features the 17-member band playing swinging songs in the Pi, Pie, and
Sky theme of the evening. Poets and readers are Rita Geil, Terri Breeden, Ursula Carlson,
Wayne Carlson, Krista Lukas, Susan Sara Priest, and Timothy Rhodes. Each poem relates to the
theme, open to several interpretations, and is followed by a related tune, several featuring
Jakki Ford.
Pianist and bandleader David Bugli said, "We'd like to tell you the tunes we will be
playing, but that would spoil the fun of the audience making the connections between the
poems and the tunes that follow them. You need to be there to experience it."
Mile High Jazz Band is supported in part by private donations and by a grant from the
Nevada Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts. For information about the band
and its activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Click on image to download a PDF flyer, suitable for printing.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Spring Jazz"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Join us for "Spring Jazz," an evening big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band with
singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside the
Carson Nugget. The music is free,
donations are welcome. Gina's also has a well-stocked bar.
"Spring Jazz" features the 17-member band playing favorite and new swinging, big-band
selections. Jakki Ford will sing "Sway," "Lullaby of Broadway," "I've Got My Love to Keep
Me Warm," and other classic tunes. The Band will also bring back some compositions that
they have not had a chance to play recently, including Oliver Nelson's "Stolen Moments,"
and Toots Thielemann's "Bluesette."
David Bugli, Mile High Jazz band pianist and leader, remarked, "I like having the
band perform in Gina's Good Life on a regular basis. Gina Rohrer has created a great
place for jazzers and other musicians to share their talents, something that's important
for personal, musical growth."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and activities,
see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Mile High Jazz Band with Jakki Ford at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge on
March 14, 2023.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
The Mile High Jazz Band performs at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in the Carson Nugget on
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The music is free, donations welcome.
The performance will include a tribute or two to the late, great saxophonist and composer
Wayne Shorter. Vocalist Jakki Ford will provide a number of great songs from The
Great American Songbook, including "Lady is a Tramp," "All or Nothing at All," and
"Out of Nowhere."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
For information about the band and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs at Heritage Park
for the Second Annual "Jazz and Arts Festival in the Park"
Sunday, May 21, 2023
The Mile High Jazz Band will be the featured band
for the Second Annual "Jazz and Arts Festival in the Park" in Gardnerville on
Sunday, May 21, 2023, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The event takes place at Heritage Park,
1447 Courthouse St., Gardnerville, NV. The event is presented by Main Street Gardnerville
and the Carson Valley Arts Council. Admission is free.
The festival starts at 1:00 p.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m. Also performing at the event are
the Douglas High School Jazz Band, The Jazzettes, RoseBud's Dance Band, and The Gardnervillians.
There will also be food trucks and art vendors. For further information,
go to https://www.cvartscouncil.com/annual-jazz-and-art-festival-may-21-2023.
Photo: Mile High Jazz Band at the festival last year, May 22, 2022.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Jazzy June"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Join us for "Jazzy June" an evening big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band with singer Jakki
Ford, on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
507 N. Carson Street, inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's
also has a well-stocked bar.
"Jazzy June" features the 17-member band playing swinging, big-band selections from their
repertoire of over 200 tunes. Jakki Ford will sing "Let the Good Times Roll,"
"For Once in My Life," "Ten Cents a Dance," and other great songs.
David Bugli, Mile High Jazz band pianist and leader, remarked, "I like having the band
perform in Gina's Good Life. It's great place for jazzers and other musicians to share their talents."
Mile High Jazz Band performs monthly throughout the year, and sponsors the annual Jazz and
Beyond Festival in Carson City in August. Performances and educational activities are
supported in part by a grant from the Carson City Cultural Commission, the Nevada Arts
Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by memberships and donations. For
information about the band performances and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Attached photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge on Tuesday, June 13.
Mile High Jazz Band Assoc. Annual Meeting
and Board Meeting
Sunday, June 25, 2023
You are invited to the Mile High Jazz Band Association's annual membership meeting and
end-of-the-fiscal-year party. It will be on Sunday, June 25, at 6:00 p.m., at the Carson
City Historical Society's Carriage House, behind the Foreman-Roberts House Museum, 1207 N.
Carson Street, Carson City.
Association members, band musicians, volunteers, and friends are welcome. The meeting will
include a brief review the past year, a preview of the coming season, and election of
members to the nine-member Board of Trustees. A brief board meeting will follow.
As a bonus, guests will have a tour of the historic Foreman-Roberts House Museum. Current
exhibits are Loretta Williams' art, the Adele's Dollhouse, and Edwardian and Victorian fashions.
The event includes a pot-luck dinner. Main dish and beverages are provided. Attendees
may bring an appetizer, side dish, salad, or dessert to share.
For reservations and information, call 775-883-4154 or email info@jazzcarsoncity.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents Performance
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Join us for an evening big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band with singer Jakki
Ford, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
507 N. Carson Street, inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's
also has a well-stocked bar.
The performance features the 17-member band playing swinging, big-band selections from their
repertoire of over 200 tunes. Jakki Ford will sing "Secret Love,"
"How Long Has This Been Going On," and other great songs.
David Bugli, Mile High Jazz band pianist and leader, remarked, "I like having the band
perform in Gina's Good Life. It's great place for jazzers and other musicians to share their talents."
Mile High Jazz Band performs monthly throughout the year, and sponsors the annual Jazz and
Beyond Festival in Carson City in August. Performances and educational activities are
supported in part by a grant from the Carson City Cultural Commission, the Nevada Arts
Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by memberships and donations. For
information about the band performances and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Attached photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge on Tuesday, July 14. Here she is shown performing with the band in November
Jazz & Beyond Festival Planning Continues
Posted: April 2, 2023
The Jazz & Beyond Planning Committee is continuing to work on plans for the
twentieth Jazz & Beyond festival. We have already lined up more than a dozen groups
to perform duing this 11-day event. The committee
has outlined plans for the festival to begin on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, and end on the
119th birthday of William "Count" Basie, Monday, Aug. 21, 2023. The committee is looking
forward to bringing back several of the exciting acts from past years. Details about the
festival have been posted on the festival's website at jazzcarsoncity.com, and updates will be made as we make various confirmations.
There will be a separate webpage for each day of the festival.
Don't miss it!
Are You Interested in Advertising in the Jazz & Beyond Program?
Posted March 30, 2023
Business owners, are you interested in advertising in the Jazz & Beyond Program? We
offer you the opportunity of
advertising your business to an up-scale, community-involved audience over an eleven-day period.
We put together an attractive printed program each year, and you ads could reach hundreds of
audience members. In addition, if you are interested, we can also post your ads on our website.
If you are interested in advertising with us, please contact Alex at 408-264-4423 or Ellie at
775-883-4154. The deadline for ads submission is July 13, 2023.
Click HERE to download our ad rate sheet.
Jazz & Beyond Festival Information
Posted: July 12, 2023
The Jazz & Beyond Planning Committee has lined up more than two dozen individuals and groups
to perform during Jazz & Beyond Music Festival, an 11-day event. It begins
on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, and ends on the
119th birthday of William "Count" Basie, Monday, Aug. 21, 2023. Details about the
festival, including a printable calendar, have been posted on the festival's
website at jazzcarsoncity.com, and updates will be made as details change. Don't miss it!
There is a separate webpage for each day of the festival. Click
HERE to be directed to the
first day of the festival calendar (opens in new page or tab).
Last Chance to Advertise in the Jazz & Beyond Program
Deadline: July 13, 2023
Business owners, are you interested in advertising in the Jazz & Beyond Program? We
offer you the opportunity of
advertising your business to an up-scale, community-involved audience over an eleven-day period.
We put together an attractive printed program each year, and you ads could reach hundreds of
audience members. In addition, if you are interested, we can also post your ads on our website.
If you are interested in advertising with us, please contact Alex at 408-264-4423 or Ellie at
775-883-4154. The deadline for ads submission is July 13, 2023.
Click HERE to download our ad rate sheet.
David & Friends Perform in Mills Park
Friday, July 28, 2023
David & Friends, a subgroup of the Mile High Jazz Band, perform on Friday, July 28, 2023,
from about 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. in Mills Park. The ensemble will be performing before the
Carson City Classic Cinema Club's showing of the movie "Up," will will be shown towards
the west side of the park when it is dark enough to project the movie. The music and movie
are free.
David & Friends is composed of
Bill Melendres on trumpet; Jake Xie on saxophone; David Bugli on keyboard; Frank Iannetta
on bass; and Kevin Milburn on drums and vocals.
The 2008 film "Up" is a computer-animated Disney movie. The story is about Carl, a retired
balloon salesman, who decides to fullfil a promise to his dead wife. The film features
the voices of some great performs: the late Ed Asner (as Carl), Christopher Plummer,
Jordan Nagai, and Bob Peterson.
Parking is available on the east end of the Oxoby Loop in Mills Park.
David & Friends Play for Ice Cream Social
Saturday, Aug. 12, 2023
David & Friends, a subgroup of the Mile High Jazz Band, play for the Carson City Historical
Society's Ice Cream Social
on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2023, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Foreman-Roberts House in Carson City.
The group (also known as the Millennium Bugs) has played for the Ice Cream Social most
Augusts for several years. Come on out
and enjoy some free music, and learn a little bit about the Carson City Historical
Society. There is a cost for the
ice cream.
David & Friends is composed of Bill Melendres on trumpet; Jake Xie on saxophone;
David Bugli on keyboard; Tim Goldsmith (subbing for Frank Iannetta) on bass; and Kevin
Milburn on drums and vocals.
This event is part of the Jazz & Beyond Music
The website for the Carson City Historical Society is http://cchistorical.org. |
The Jazz & Beyond "Postcard" Calendar
is Available for Download
Posted: July 17, 2023
We have updated the Jazz & Beyond website with some great events for this August.
You may download a PDF version of our scheduled events from here. We will update
it as we progress.
Click HERE for latest
version of the postcard schedule. Version number and date of update are displayed in the
lower right corner.
Mile High Jazz Band featured in
Basie Birthday Concert at End of Jazz & Beyond
Monday, August 21, 2023
The Mile High Jazz Band will be performing a Basie Birthday Concert on Monday, August 21, 2023,
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the McFadden Plaza Stage as the final event of the Jazz & Beyond Carson City Music & Art
Festival. Singers Jakki Ford and June Joplin will be joining the band in this
performance. Count Basie was born August 21, 1904, and was the inspiration for the first Carson City
festival that gradually came to be known as Jazz & Beyond. The event is free, and audience is encouraged to
bring their own chairs, since seating is limited. For further information on the Jazz & Beyond Festival,
go to http://jazzcarsoncity.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs "Long Story Short"
Jazz & Poetry Event
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023
You are invited to celebrate Mile High Jazz Band's 20th anniversary of jazz and poetry
events in Carson City. The Mile High Jazz Band will be joined by singer Jakki Ford
and eight award-winning poets and readers for "Long Story Short" on Tuesday, September 12,
2023, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside
the Carson Nugget.
The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, climate-controlled
venue, and has a well-stocked bar.
"Long Story Short" features the 17-member band playing swinging songs in the theme of
the evening. Poets and readers are Rita Geil, Terri Breeden, Ursula Carlson, Wayne Carlson,
Doug Conner, Krista Lukas, Kathy Nelson, and Timothy Rhodes. Each poem relates to the
theme, is open to several interpretations, and is followed by a related tune. Several
feature Jakki Ford.
For information about the band and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Poet Wrangler, Rita Geil, and seven other poets/readers will perform on Sept. 12.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "October Jazz at Gina's"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023
Mile High Jazz Band presents "October Jazz at Gina's," an evening of big-band music
with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street, inside the
Carson Nugget. The music is free,
donations are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, air-conditioned venue, and has a well-stocked bar.
"October Jazz" features the 17-member band playing swinging, big-band selections
from their repertoire of over 200 tunes, including "Harlem Nocturne, "Rock This Town,"
"Sweet Georgia Brown," and more. Jakki Ford will sing "Black Coffee," "The Nearness of You,"
"Makin' Whoopie," and other great songs.
Mile High Jazz Band performs monthly throughout the year, and sponsors the annual Jazz
and Beyond Festival in Carson City.
Performances and educational activities are supported in part by a grant from the Carson
Cultural Commission, the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Travel
Nevada, and by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and
activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life Music
& Lounge on Tuesday, October 10.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs Autumn Jazz
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
The Mile High Jazz Band presents "Autumn Jazz," an evening of big-band music with singer Jakki Ford,
on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street, inside the Carson Nugget.
The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, air-conditioned
venue, and has a well-stocked bar.
"Autumn Jazz" features the 17-member band playing swinging, big-band selections from
their repertoire of over 200 tunes, including "Early Autumn," "Road Song,"
"Jumpin' At the Woodside," and more. Jakki Ford will sing "Mr. Zoot Suit,"
"Out of Nowhere," "Autumn Leaves," and other great songs.
Mile High Jazz Band performs monthly throughout the year, and sponsors the annual
Jazz and Beyond Festival in Carson City.
Performances and educational activities are supported in part by a grant from
the Carson City Cultural Commission, the Nevada Arts Council and the National
Endowment for the Arts, Travel Nevada, and by memberships and donations. For
information about the band performances and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Attached photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good
Life Music & Lounge on Tuesday, November 14.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs "It's a Wrap"
A Jazz & Poetry Event at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023
Celebrate the holidays with the Mile High Jazz Band, singer Jakki Ford, and six
award-winning poets and readers. "It's a Wrap,” an evening of big-band jazz and poetry,
will be on Tuesday, December 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street,
inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations
are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, climate-controlled venue, and has a well-stocked bar.
"It's a Wrap" features the 17-member band playing swinging songs on the theme of
the evening. Poets and readers are Rita Geil, Terri Breeden, Wayne Carlson, Krista Lukas,
Nancy McLelland, and Timothy Rhodes. Each poem relates to the theme, is open to several
interpretations, and is followed by a related tune. Several tunes feature Jakki Ford.
Performances and educational activities are supported in part by a grant from the Carson
Cultural Commission, the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Travel
Nevada, and by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and
activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Cool January Jazz"
with Vocalist Jakki Ford
Tuesday, January 16, 7:00 p.m.
Mile High Jazz Band will present "Cool January Jazz" on Tuesday, January 16, 2024,
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside
the Carson Nugget. The music is free, donations welcome.
The 17-member band will play favorite big-band jazz tunes from its extensive
repertoire and feature the vocal stylings of Jakki Ford. Pianist and band leader David
Bugli said, "This is the band's first performance of the new year. Besides some great
instrumental pieces with soloists from within the band, we will feature Jakki Ford on
several songs. She is an outstanding vocalist, professional dancer, and actor who has
appeared in several films, television shows, commercials, theater, operas, cabaret,
and Las Vegas and Reno showroom spectaculars, and has recorded three albums."
The band will play "The Cool One," "Cold Duck Time," "The Heat's On," and more.
Jakki Ford will sing "That Old Black Magic," "Someone to Watch Over Me,"
"Pick Yourself Up," and other great songs.
After January 16, Mile High Jazz Band's performances at Gina's will be on the
second Tuesday of each month, beginning February 13. For information about the
band performances and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in
part by a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the
Arts, and by memberships and donations.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge on January 16.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts"
with Vocalist Jakki Ford
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Mile High Jazz Band will present "Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts" on Valentine's Day Eve,
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge,
507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget. The music is free; donations are welcome.
The 17-member band will play jazzy versions of favorite love songs for
Valentine's Day, and other swinging, big-band selections, including "The Touch
of Your Lips," "Besame Mucho," and "Stolen Moments." Jakki Ford, accompanied by the band,
will sing "I'll Never Stop Loving You," "Let's Do It," "Sway," and more.
After the February 13 event, Mile High Jazz Band will present the 20th annual
Jazz Extravaganza with four youth jazz bands on Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m.,
at the Carson City Community Center. The youth jazz bands are from Carson High School,
Carson Middle School, and the Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra. Proceeds from the concert
benefit the youth jazz bands.
For information about Mile high Jazz Band performances and Jazz Extravaganza tickets,
see milehighjazz.com or call 775-883-4154.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
Big-Band Jazz Times Five!
Mile High Jazz Band presents
the 2024 Jazz Extravaganza
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024
It's "big-band jazz times five" when the Mile High Jazz Band and four youth jazz
bands present the 20th annual Jazz Extravaganza concert, on Tuesday, February 20, 2024,
at 7:00 p.m., in the Bob Boldrick Theater at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E.
William Street, Carson City. The Extravaganza is sponsored by the Mile High Jazz Band
Association as a benefit for youth jazz programs.
Performing with Mile High Jazz Band this year are two big bands from Carson High School
directed by Nick Jacques, the Carson Middle School Jazz Band directed by Stephanie Van Orman,
and the Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra directed by Vern Scarbrough. Announcer is Tim Young,
Executive Director of the Reno Jazz Orchestra. Pre-concert entertainment will be presented by the
Carson High School jazz combo in the lobby, starting at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door, and all proceeds go to the student
performing groups. Youth age 18 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased
in advance at MileHighJazz.com or at the door.
This year, the Extravaganza will feature the five big bands, vocalist Jakki Ford, and
a pre-concert combo in the lobby. "We enjoy performing with youth jazz bands," said
David Bugli, Mile High Jazz Band leader and pianist. "The student ensembles are impressive
and deserve community support."
Mile High Jazz Band Association is funded in part by a grant from the Nevada Arts
Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information, call Mile High
Jazz Band at 775-883-4154 or see MileHighJazz.com.
Photo above: Intergenerational combo directed by David Bugli at the 2023 Jazz Extravaganza
Mile High Jazz Band Performs "Bloomin',"
a Jazz & Poetry Event
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band performs a Jazz & Poetry event, "Bloomin',"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in the Carson Nugget on
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The band will be joined by
Rita Geil and other poet/readers in the event, which combines the spoken word
and music by the big band. The music is free, and donations are welcome.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
For information about the band and activities, see milehighjazz.com or call 775-883-4154.
Mile High Jazz Band presents "Blooming"
Big Band Jazz and Poetry
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Anticipate the coming of Spring with the Mile High Jazz Band, singer Jakki Ford,
and six award-winning poets and readers. "Blooming," an evening of big-band
jazz and poetry, will be on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street, inside the Carson Nugget.
The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, climate-controlled
venue, and has a well-stocked bar.
"Blooming" features the 17-member band playing swinging songs on the theme of the
evening. Poets and readers are Rita Geil, Wayne Carlson, Krista Lukas, Susan Sara
Priest, Timothy Rhodes, and the Reno Poet Laureate, Jesse James Ziegler. Each poem
expresses an aspect the theme and is followed by a tune that relates to the poem.
Several tunes feature Jakki Ford.
Pianist and bandleader David Bugli said, "We'd like to tell you the tunes we will
be playing, but that would spoil the fun for the audience to make connections between
the poems and the tunes that follow them. You need to be there to experience it."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part
by private donations and memberships, and by a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and
National Endowment for the Arts. For information about the band and its activities,
see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: "Jazz & Poetry" on March 12 will feature Reno Poet Laureate
Jesse James Ziegler and five other poets and readers.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "April in Carson"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Join us for "April in Carson," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High Jazz
Band with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's
Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget. The music
is free, donations are welcome. Gina's also has a well-stocked bar.
"April in Carson" features the 17-member band playing old favorite and new swinging,
big-band selections, including "April in Paris," "Semi-Mental Journey," and
"Spring Fling." Jakki Ford will sing "Caught a Touch of Your Love," "It's Alright
With Me," "Give Me the Simple Life," and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
David Bugli, Mile High Jazz Band pianist and leader, remarked, "I like having the band
perform in Gina's Good Life on a regular basis. Gina Rohrer has created a great place
for jazzers and other musicians to share their talents, something that's important for
their musical growth."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and activities,
see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge Tuesday, April 9.
Jazz & Beyond Festival Gets a Little Longer
Posted: May 7, 2024
We are happy to announce that the Jazz & Beyond 2024 festival has gotten a little
bit longer. Originally we
planned to start the festival on Friday, August 16, and end on Sunday, August 25. Because
there is so much talent to share from our area, we are extending the festival to Monday, August
26. Be sure to check
JazzCarsonCity.com for further details as we confirm our shows.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Come What May"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in Carson City
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Join us for "Come What May," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band
with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's
Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget. Admission
is free, suggested donation $10 per person for the band.
"Come What May" features the 17-member band playing old favorites and new swinging,
big-band selections, including "Children of Sanchez," "Rock This Town," and "Ran Kan Kan."
Jakki Ford will sing "Lady is a Tramp," "Love is Here to Stay," "Shiny Stockings," and
other great tunes accompanied by the band.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City,
and by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and
activities, including the 2024 Jazz & Beyond Festival, see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life Music
& Lounge on Tuesday, May 14.
Jazz & Beyond Schedule Available as a PDF
Posted: May 30, 2024
The Jazz & Beyond Festival Schedule is available for download as a PDF.
Click HERE to download it. This version
was last updated July 17, 2024.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents Big Band Jazz & Poetry
at Gina's in the Carson Nugget
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
"Citadels & Sanctuaries," an evening of big-band jazz and poetry, will be on Tuesday,
June 11, 2024, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, inside the Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson
Street. The music is free, donations are requested.
"Citadels & Sanctuaries" features the 17-member Mile High Jazz Band playing swinging songs
on the theme of the evening. Several tunes showcase vocalist Jakki Ford.
Poets and readers for the evening are Rita Geil, Wayne Carlson, Krista Lukas,
Nancy McLelland, Susan Sara Priest, Timothy Rhodes, and Reno poet laureate
Jesse James Ziegler. Each poem expresses an aspect of the theme and is followed by a
tune that relates to the poem.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
private donations and memberships, and by grants from the Nevada Arts Council and
National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City, and by private donations.
For information, see milehighjazz.com or call 775-883-4154.
Photo: Rita Geil will lead poets at "Citadels & Sanctuaries" with Mile High Jazz Band on
June 11 at Gina's in Carson City.
David & Friends Perform for Bob Sullivan Memorial
Friday, June 21, 2024
David & Friends, a five-piece combo from the Mile High Jazz Band, performs
at the Brewery Arts Center's Ballroom from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on
Friday, June 21, 2024, for a memorial for long-time supporter of the Mile High Jazz
Band and the Jazz & Beyond Festival, Bob Sullivan. The group, this go-around,
is composed of David Bugli on keyboard,
Bill Melendres on trumpet, guest Curt Langdon on saxophone and clarinet, and former MHJB
musician Brandon Dodge on drums.
All friends of Bob are welcome to come share stories and enjoy his favorite local jazz.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs in Mills Park
for Free Carson City Classic Cinema Club Event
Friday, June 28, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band, with singer Jakki Ford, perform in Mills Park on
Friday, June 28, 2024, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Admission is free. Bring lawn chairs
or a blanket. Food trucks will be on site.
The Carson City Classic Cinema Club (C5) is a nonprofit organization dedicated
to providing education, opportunity, tools, and supplies to local youth to encourage
and support their participation in the arts. They strongly believe that exposure to
the arts sharpens critical and creative skills and contributes to student achievement
and success in school and beyond. Their website is at https://ccclassiccinema.org.
Mile High Jazz Band Association Announces
Membership Party and Annual Meeting
Sunday, June 30, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band Association's annual membership meeting and end-of-the-fiscal-year
party will be on Sunday, June 30, at 6:00 p.m., at the Carson City Historical Society's
Carriage House, behind the Foreman-Roberts House Museum, 1207 N. Carson Street, Carson City.
All interested individuals - including Association members, band musicians, volunteers,
and friends - are invited. The meeting will include a brief review the past year,
a preview of the coming season, and election of members to the nine-member Board of
Trustees. A brief board meeting will follow.
The event includes a pot-luck dinner. Main dish and beverages are provided. Attendees
may bring an appetizer, side dish, salad, or dessert to share. As a bonus, guests will
have a brief tour of the historic Foreman-Roberts House Museum. This Gothic Revival house
was built in 1859 in Washoe City and moved to Carson City in 1873.
For reservations and information, call 775-883-4154 or email ehbugli@aol.com.
Illustration: Watercolor painting of the Foreman-Roberts House Museum by Cyndy
Brenneman. The house will be open for tours during Mile High Jazz Band Association's
membership meeting and potluck on June 30.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs
"When You're Hot, You're Hot!" at Gina's
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Join us for "When You're Hot, You're Hot," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High
Jazz Band with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., indoors
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget. Admission
is free, and suggested donation is $10 per person for the band.
"When You're Hot, You're Hot" features the 17-member band playing old favorites and
new swinging, big-band selections, including "Georgia on My Mind," "The Heat's On,"
"Orilla Del Mar," and more. Jakki Ford will sing "Secret Love," "Blues in the Night,"
"The Look of Love," and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City,
and by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and activities,
including the 2024 Jazz & Beyond Festival, see milehighjazz.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs
Basie Birthday Concert Featuring Singers
Jakki Ford and June Joplin
Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024
Following an annual tradition, the Mile High Jazz Band performs will perform its
annual "Basie Birthday" concert on Wednesday, August 21,
2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the McFadden Plaza Stage in Carson City. Jakki Ford and June
Joplin are the featured singers. This is part of the 21st annual Jazz & Beyond Music Festival,
and this year all events are free.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs.
The event is free. |
Mile High Jazz Band Performs
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band performs at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge in the Carson Nugget on
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The music is free, and donations are welcome.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by a
grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, and by
memberships and donations.
Please note, there will be no performance at Gina's in August due to the Jazz & Beyond
Festival activities. MHJB will be resume its usual "second Tuesday of the month" schedule
at Gina's starting with this performance.
For information about the band and activities, see milehighjazz.com.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents September Jazz at Gina's
Big Band Jazz with Jakki Ford
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024
Join us for "September Jazz at Gina's," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High
Jazz Band with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.,
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street the Carson Nugget. Admission is
free; suggested donation is $10 per person for the band.
September Jazz features the 17-member band playing old favorites and new swinging, big-band
selections, including "Evergreen," "I Can't Stop Loving You," "Children of Sanchez," and
more. Jakki Ford will sing "Come Fly With Me," "Out of Nowhere," "Give Me the Simple Life,"
and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
David Bugli, pianist and leader of the Mile High Jazz band, said, "I am excited to bring
the band back to Gina's. We had to skip our usual "second Tuesday" performance at Gina's
in August to focus our energy on the very successful Jazz and Beyond Festival held from
August 16th through the 26th. Now we can concentrate on one performance at a time."
Please note, this is not a "jazz & poetry" event. The October 8 performance will be "Taking Chances,"
a "jazz & poetry" event. We usually do "jazz & poetry" events in months in which the seasons change, but
because of global warming, summer will not end until October. (Only kidding!!)
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City,
Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information about the
band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford with Mile High Jazz Band in August. They will perform at Gina's
Good Life Music & Lounge on Tuesday, September 10.
Mile High Jazz Band presents "Taking Chances"
Big Band Jazz and Poetry
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band, singer Jakki Ford, and seven award-winning poets and readers
present "Taking Chances,” an evening of big-band jazz and poetry, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024,
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street, inside the Carson Nugget.
The music is free, donations are welcome. Gina's is a smoke-free, climate-controlled venue,
and has a well-stocked bar.
"Taking Chances” features the 17-member band playing swinging songs on the theme of the
evening. Poets and readers are Rita Geil, Terri Breeden, Wayne Carlson, Krista Lukas,
Melanie Perish, Timothy Rhodes, and the Reno Poet Laureate, Jesse James Ziegler. Each poem
expresses an aspect of the theme and is followed by a tune that relates to the poem.
Several tunes feature Jakki Ford.
Pianist and bandleader David Bugli said, "We'd like to tell you the tunes we will
be playing, but that would spoil the fun for the audience to make connections between
the poems and the tunes that follow them. You need to be there to experience it."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part
by private donations and memberships, and by a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and
National Endowment for the Arts. For information about the band and its activities,
see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Mile High Jazz Band's "Jazz & Poetry" on October 8 will feature Rita Geil
and six other poets.
Mile High Jazz Band With Jakki Ford Perform "November Jazz"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024
Join us for "November Jazz at Gina's," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High Jazz
Band with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.,
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street, in the Carson Nugget.
Admission is free; suggested donation is $10 per person for the band.
November Jazz features the 17-member band playing old favorites and new swinging,
big-band selections, including "Early Autumn," "Satin Doll," "The Cool One," and more.
Jakki Ford will sing "That Old Black Magic," “The Nearness of You," "Something’s Gotta Give,"
and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
David Bugli, pianist and leader of the Mile High Jazz band, said, "We're bringing
another exciting jazz program to Gina's with some great players and music arrangements."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part
by grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts,
Carson City, Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information
about the band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge on Tuesday, November 12.
Mile High Jazz Band presents "Sweet Charity"
Holiday Jazz and Poetry
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
The Mile High Jazz Band, singer Jakki Ford, and six award-winning poets present
"Sweet Charity,” an evening of big-band jazz and poetry, on Tuesday, December
10, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson
Street, inside the Carson Nugget. Gina's is a smoke-free, climate-controlled venue,
and has a well-stocked bar and specialty cocktails. The music is free, donations are welcome.
"Sweet Charity” features the 17-member band playing swinging songs on the theme
of the evening, several featuring vocalist Jakki Ford. Poets will present original
poems, each expressing an aspect of the theme, followed by a tune that relates to the poem.
Poets are Nevada’s current Poet Laureate, Shaun Griffin; Reno’s current Poet
Laureate, Jesse James Ziegler; winners of Nevada Arts Council Fellowships,
Kathy Nelson, Krista Lukas, and Terri Breeden; and Rita Geil, whose book Laughing It
Off: Low-Calorie Poems for Dieters won a national award for humor. For this special
event, the poets' autographed books will be for sale.
Pianist and bandleader David Bugli said, "We're excited to bring outstanding
instrumental musicians, our fabulous vocalist Jakki Ford, and poets who have won
significant awards, to entertain you. The books will make great gifts, too!"
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City,
Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information about
the band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Mile High Jazz Band's "Jazz & Poetry" on December 10 will feature
Nevada's Poet Laureate Shaun Griffin and five other poets.
Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Cool January Jazz"
Big Band Jazz with Jakki Ford
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Join us for "Cool January Jazz," an evening of big-band music by the Mile High Jazz
Band with singer Jakki Ford, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at
Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson Street the Carson Nugget. Admission is
free; requested donation is $10 per person for the band.
Cool January Jazz features the 17-member band playing old favorites and new
swinging, big-band selections, including "The Heat's On," "Sister Sadie,"
"A Night in Tunisia," and more. Jakki Ford will sing "Black Coffee," “How High the
Moon," "At Last!," and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
David Bugli, pianist and leader of the Mile High Jazz band, said, "We're starting
the new year with an exciting jazz program at Gina’s with some great players and
music arrangements."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in
part by grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts,
Carson City, Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information
about the band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life
Music & Lounge on Tuesday, January 14.
Mile High Jazz Band Performs "Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts"
at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025
Treat your Valentine to a "Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts," a pre-Valentine's evening
of sweet and hot big-band music by the Mile High Jazz Band with singer Jakki Ford, on
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge,
507 N. Carson Street, in the Carson Nugget. Admission is free; requested donation is
$10 per person for the band.
Jazz Sampler for Sweethearts features the 17-member band playing jazzy versions of
favorite love songs for Valentine's Day, and other swinging, big-band selections,
including "Day by Day," "The Touch of Your Lips," and "Love is Here to Stay." Jakki
Ford accompanied by the band will sing "Almost Like Being in Love," "My Funny Valentine," and more.
After the February 11 event, Mile High Jazz Band will present the 21st annual
Jazz Extravaganza with three youth jazz bands on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.,
at the Carson City Community Center. The youth jazz bands are from Carson High School,
Carson Middle School, and the Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra. Proceeds from the concert
benefit the youth jazz bands.
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by
grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City,
Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information about
the band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.
Photo: Jakki Ford will sing with Mile High Jazz Band at Gina's Good Life Music
& Lounge on Tuesday, February 11.
Big-Band Jazz Times Four!
Mile High Jazz Band presents the 2025 Jazz Extravaganza
at the Carson City Community Center
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025
It's "big-band jazz times four" when the Mile High Jazz Band and three youth jazz
bands present the 21st annual Jazz Extravaganza concert, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025,
at 7:00 p.m., in the Bob Boldrick Theater at the Carson City Community Center, 851 E.
William Street, Carson City. The Extravaganza is sponsored by the Mile High Jazz Band
Association as a benefit for youth jazz programs.
Performing with Mile High Jazz Band this year are the Carson High School Jazz Band
directed by Nick Jacques, the Carson Middle School Jazz Band directed by Stephanie
Van Orman, and the Reno Youth Jazz Orchestra directed by Nichole Heglund.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. All proceeds
from ticket and refreshment sales will go to the student music programs. Youth age
18 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be
purchased in advance at MileHighJazz.com, or at the door.
This year, the Extravaganza will feature the four big bands and vocalist Jakki Ford.
"We've enjoyed performing with youth jazz bands for the past two decades and seeing
their proficiency, talent, and progress," said David Bugli, Mile High Jazz Band leader and pianist.
Mile High Jazz Band Association is funded in part by grants from the Nevada Arts
Council and the National Endowment for the Arts and from Carson City. For more
information, call Mile High Jazz Band at 775-883-4154 or see MileHighJazz.com.
Photo: Carson High Jazz Band directed by Nick Jacques.
The Mile High Jazz Band performs around the Carson City area. You can
catch us on most second Tuesdays of each month at
from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge,
507 N. Carson Street inside the Carson Nugget.